Don't tell me not to fly, I've simply got to.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dream On

Day 5: Dreams

Dear daydreams,

I'm writing to you, because 80% of the nighttime dreams I remember are nightmarish and awful, and who wants to write to them anyway? You're much more fun. So daydreams...I have quite a few of you. Most of you are about my future. What school I'm gonna go to and when. What degree I'll go back for. My future career. I just want the typical happy life ya know? Go to school, work, find him, get married, try and figure out life together. Have cute babies. Work some more. Complain about work. Love work. Help people and change lives. Spend time with family and friends in someone's backyard on a deck while our kids run wild. And hopefully do some of that before there are kids to run wild. In one word, I want contentment. Or stability, that's another good one. Knowing that what's happening in my life was meant to be and that even when it's tough, things will be ok.

That's what you're all about, daydreams. But you wanna know what's great? No matter how much my mind wanders and I think about all these things and how I'd like it to be...what's actually going to happen is gonna be so much greater than I can possibly imagine. Things won't go exactly according to you or what I think. And that's the way it should be. How boring would life be if it exactly followed the plans we had, always getting what we want? Sometimes we don't even know what we want/what's good for us. And that's why reality will be even better. That includes struggle and monotony and suffering. It will all be perfectly as it should be. Because that's life, and it'll be mine. And as much as I like to meet up with you throughout the day and think about it, it's still just fun and games. Because I can't know how it will really play out.

That being said, there is nothing wrong with my rendezvousing with you about future events. In fact, it's quite healthy, and I will continue doing it on a daily basis. I just have to keep in mind that even though you're really fun and I like you a lot, real life will be different, but unthinkably better. It's a win-win situation. Yay!

Yours Truly

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