Don't tell me not to fly, I've simply got to.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Words of wisdom from one who knows

Long time no talk, blog world. Sorry to have to meet this way. But some things just need to be said.

 People are human.

-We mess up.
-We change our minds. Plans change. We do things we don't expect.
-We have opinions, and sometimes our actions contradict.
-We hurt feelings, but we usually don't mean to. Have I ever wanted to purposely hurt someone in my life? Absolutely not. Has it happened? Oh yes. It's life.
-But each person, every single person, even Hitler himself,  is SO loved and cared for, and watched over.
-We have our freedom to choose, but we are guided.
-And every bad experience and hurt feeling in our lives if we let it, allows something so much better to happen, for everyone involved. It was meant to be such.
-As humans, we all like to think we're right and we know best. We don't. We have a tiny narrow view of the whole big picture.
-Sometimes things just don't work out, and it's nothing personal, nothing against us.
-Get over yourself, have a little faith; trust.
-Everyone generally has good intentions but still screws up.

And I think if we realized that, there would be a little less hate and drama in this world.

So please for the sake of your growth and happiness, JUST LOVE. Love people, love everyone.
Forgive quickly.
Love with your whole heart.
Watch what you say. This coming from someone with a tendency to run at the mouth and say things they don't mean when very upset. It does no good. Steer clear. Chances are a little bit down the road you'll feel like an idiot for saying it because it doesn't even matter to you anymore.
Please don't wish bad circumstances on anyone; you're not perfect either.

Next time you see your ex, rejoice. You have reason to. Rejoice that he found someone who can make him better, happier. Rejoice because you'll find your someone too. Maybe he is in fact making a mistake that will cause him pain, and he'll be learning the hard way. But that's not for you to judge or decide, so rejoice knowing it's not your business anymore. Rejoice knowing the two of you aren't together, because chances are, it wouldn't have worked out so well for either of you. And there's NOTHING wrong with that. That's life.

These are some things in the past 5 years I've had to learn the hard way, and I wish everyone else had it easy enough to just read this and understand. I've been there, I've done that. Are you thinking right now, "sure easy for her to say, nothing ever goes wrong with her". Well think again. I've been abused, mistreated, lied to, suffered from depression for years. Hated life. Hated everything. To summarize and put it mildly. But I got here. I've reached this point, I've learned my lesson. And it's a lot easier to go through the pain of hurt feelings now. Take it from me.

To err is human, to forgive divine.

P.S. On a lighter note, I just got the greatest idea. So, the show Friends will forever be one of my favorites. It went for 10 years, and every episode had a title "The one where/with..." and I think from now on my blog titles will be in Friends-fashion. This one would be titled "The one with the pointless high school drama". Ok, the end.