Story time!
8:30AM today: I get to work, go in and get all my paperwork and other things ready for the day.
8:35AM: My client's van's arrival is announced over our walkies, so I go downstairs and out to his van to go get him.
8:40AM: The two of us have walked into the cafeteria, placed his lunch in the student fridge, and are now walking down the hall to the front of the building to ride the elevator up to our classroom.
8:45AM: We're standing waiting for the elevator, and in a split second, about a thousand things happened that my brain had to process all at once...somewhere in the back of my mind I vaguely hear the sound of liquid splattering all over the floor, people come in that hall and are walking all around us, the elevator door opens and people are getting off, there's people behind us waiting to get on too, and I look down and see my kiddo standing in a HUGE puddle. Like someone decided to dump a 10-gallon bucket all over the floor. And the alarm immediately goes off in my head (because this is FAR from the first time) "omg, what is that what I think...did he just pee everywhere?" I didn't have time to think much more cuz the pressure was on to get on the elevator, so while we're stepping on, I do a quick inspection of his pants and find that they are completely dry and pee-free, as is his shirt. Sigh of relief, someone must've just spilled something there and my kiddo stepped in it. 2 seconds into the elevator ride, a medical emergency of sorts occurred that I can't explain, but it caused my client to have issues with his leg and he limped off the elevator, so it immediately took my attention and caused me to forget everything else. For now.
8:45-10:30AM: We're going about our normal daily routine, academics in the classroom, break times and going for walks, the typical craziness of all the other kids, and morning trip to the music room to listen to cds and jump around. Nearing the end of his music break, client's right shoe becomes untied. I tell him it's time to go upstairs for more work and then we'll tie his shoe too.
10:35AM: We're back in the classroom and I sit him down and lift up his foot to tie his shoe, only to discover that this shoe, sock, and foot, is sopping wet. I let in a quick intake of air. UH-OH. Everything that I just explained happening flashed through my brain in a matter of nanoseconds. Have you guessed what happened yet?
Haha, on further inspection, no other part of his body, no other article of clothing, not even his pull-up, was wet. Somehow, my kiddo peed 10 gallons all over the floor and into his right shoe, and it got NOWHERE else. He's got a freaking amazing talent, let me tell you. You all should be impressed and feel jealous that I get to spend everyday of my life with someone so awesome. And anyway, I had NO idea until I went to tie his grody shoe. Normally I can smell these things but I'm getting over a cold and my sniffer is off. So it went unnoticed for awhile.
And the ginormous puddle was left there downstairs in front of the elevator for someone else to discover and clean up. Oops.
Shhh, don't tell.
I finally read your last 2 posts, and so much has happened to you! I'm so proud & amazed at you & the decisions & insights you've conquered. Love ya to death! And good luck with the urine. What an extra bonus for the day. =)