Don't tell me not to fly, I've simply got to.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I've seen more spine in jellyfish

Day 20: The one who broke my heart the hardest

To: Dh

I said my piece in a previous post and don't really have much more to say to you. We're strangers now. Hallelujah. You know that Garth Brooks song, "I thank God for unanswered prayer"? That's like how I feel about you, except I think it's more prayers answered no, rather than unanswered. You know your scriptures pretty well, right? Do you know that parable where it's talking about prayer and parents wanting the best for their kids and giving them the best gifts? And it says something about what kind of parent would give their kid a stone when they're asking for bread? A great person in my life recently talked about how sometimes we so very badly want what we think is bread, but it's really a stone, and that's why we don't always get what we want, or things don't go as planned. Because it's not good for us. You were a stone. You were more awful than a stone. And I got away before it was too late, though at the time I didn't want to and hated what was happening. Now I understand. Getting away from you was one of the greatest gifts I've ever been given. Escaping that life and the future I was headed towards, that was the bread.

Several years separate us now. I'm a different person. You wouldn't recognize me. I lost weight; I'm confident. I smile, I laugh. I don't put up with crap from people like you. You couldn't walk on me or push me around if you tried. Not that you would, you tend to just run away. Remember that time we ran into each other at the parking lot of Target? And you were so mortified at seeing me that you put a handkerchief over your face and tried to hide in your car? Hahaha what did you think me and Mom were gonna do, bite you and give you rabies? Give you a filthy incurable disease through a greeting? Or were you worried about getting struck down by a bolt of lightning for being in such close proximity to me? Like I said before, you sure can make me laugh.

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