Don't tell me not to fly, I've simply got to.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

There's a fine line between confident and cocky

I wish I had a pensieve; my thoughts are going crazy right now.

1.) I love my job.

2.) I heard today that gas is supposed to go up to $4 a gallon this summer...guess it's a good thing I bought my hybrid. But still, eww.

3.) The thought randomly popped in my head today that people that are friends with me on facebook but don't know me very well probably think I'm the most conceited person in the world. So weird. I shouldn't have to explain myself, but I'm going to. I used to be 40-50 pounds heavier than I am now. I lost like 30 in high school, but even then, I wasn't the best looking and I didn't feel great with myself. I was also treated like dirt and emotionally abused at that point in my life, and ended up being depressed and hating myself for almost 3 years. A certain someone in my life had convinced me (and told me everyday) that I was this awful person for things I did and how I felt. Like if I got upset for feeling like I wasn't getting treated right, it was my fault because I was such a jealous bad person and deserved to be punished. Ugh. That whole thing still makes me cringe and I'm done talking about it. Point being, if you met me about 4 years ago, I was shy, unapproachable, angry-looking, depressed, ugly, and in general just looked like death. I can think of a few people that befriended me then, like some who I met at Millersville, or worked with my first summer at Tudor Grill, and those people are saints and I love them. Ask anyone from the culinary team what I was like my first year at the tg, and they'll tell you I was this shy, creeper-ish weirdo that never said 2 words. I don't think any of them know why I was like that though, or what I was going through. And I shouldn't forget to mention all the other people in my life that I love, for staying with me through all of that. It took a looooong time, but I'm finally back to being myself. I care about my appearance, I lost more weight, and I discovered that lots of boys find me really attractive and desireable and fun. I make friends, I'm extroverted, I love to laugh. I have confidence. But yes, I'm happy with the way I look, and I like to dress up and look cute, and take goofy pictures of myself trying to be sexy (do I take myself seriously? NO). If that's being cocky and conceited, then I guess I am. All I can say is, I was so far from having any form of self-esteem for years and years, and it feels good to finally like myself and who I've become. And if there's anyone out there who thinks I'm obsessed with myself, don't worry. Life has a way of humbling you when you start thinking too highly of yourself.

4.) That was a really long 3.

5.) Now my brain's all tuckered out and I can't think of all the other things that were on my mind.

6.) Ok, I know another one. Boys are so dumb. Honestly. And I only want one, not like ten. That just makes life more confusing. And why is it that the one you think you should probably just boot off to make things easier is the one you just can't quite let go of? Haha dating SUCKS.

7.) It makes me sad when people form an opinion of me but never actually take the time to find out what I'm really like. Guess it's a good thing I don't really care what people think.

8.) I also hate when I'm trying to be there and be a good friend for someone who I think needs me, but the relationship is so one-sided. I'm the one that starts conversations, I'm the one that asks how you're doing, and keeps up with the important events in your life and asks you about them. And you? You just answer my questions, and never even think to ask how I'm doing. And you never come up to me and tell me how you are unless I ask. I'm tired of it. It's so selfish. If it weren't for the fact that I know everyone always walks out on you, you could stick a fork in me, I'd be done.

9.) Mom got the idea in my head that while I'm working at New Story, I could get an apartment or something in Harrisburg. I don't even know how I feel about this yet.

10.) Last weekend was AWESOME. Dress shopping, Aubrey's birthday party, and listening to Elder Scott speak. Only for like 15 minutes, and no I didn't get to meet him. But he said exactly what I was hoping to hear, which was pretty much wonderful.

11.) This probably shouldn't bother me, but I just discovered that this girl I went to high school with (and haven't talked to in awhile but still care about her life) deleted me from her facebook friends. Did I do something wrong? Did she just decide to weed out people she hasn't talked to lately? Would it be totally creeperish to message her and ask her this? "Umm excuse me, I know we haven't talked in awhile but I noticed you deleted me and I was just wondering...wthk??" This seriously happens to me a I really that unlikeable that at least 2 people a week need to delete me? Really?

12.) I think I'm done...for now.

I feel like the basic idea of all my thoughts and this post is, I don't deserve to be treated this way. There was a time in my life that I thought I did, but that time is past. I'm just one person. I'm doing the best I can. I try to love every person I've ever met, and be a good friend. I care too much. I like to make people smile. I have a love of life and I wanna share that with you. I make mistakes. I'm human. I say sorry when I should. I try to fix things. Is it too much to ask for the same back?


  1. This IS your pensieve. Thank you for letting us read it!
    1. I love mine, too.
    2. I'm considering a hybrid. You may have just clinched the deal.
    3. I'm so happy that you feel more like your real self these days, and I say you should express who you are. You're SUPPOSED to take silly sexy pics. It's part of single-hood.
    4. Yes, it was.
    5. That's OK
    6. Dating sucks all around. I keep begging Jeff not to die, because I don't want to go back to it. So good luck with that. =)
    7. Me, too.
    8. Give-Give relationships are not fun. I love "you could stick a fork in me, I'd be done."
    9. Is Hburg closer? Would you save lots of time & $?
    10. Yay
    11. Weeding out on FB has become so popular... I haven't noticed who's done it to me, but if I knew it was, it would be hard to get over. Seriously, WTHk?
    12. Me, too.

    Love you, Sheridan.

  2. I've always thought you were hot. I will never delete you from facebook. Also, YOU BOUGHT A HYBRID??? O jeez, I hate you so much in a very loving way. In a jealously loving way. I'm still driving Sharona, which I tell myself is good for the environment because I am reusing her every day so she won't go to the giant Scrap Metal Landfill in the Sky.

  3. Nicki, I did indeed buy a hybrid...last Labor Day weekend, and I love it. It's a 2005 Honda Civic hybrid, and on average gets 47-48mpg. It took me til I was almost a college graduate to have the money to afford it and pay my own bills, but my beautiful car was worth the wait haha. And thanks for always thinking I was hot. =) Remember back in middle school when we decided I had the sense of humor of a fat kid, so we'd say I was "funny like a fat kid, just not fat"? hahahaha. Except I kinda was...chunky, at least.

  4. Hey girl!

    I agree with the above people. You are still on the shy side, not quite a true extrovert. Funny how I was so busy with my own life and the age gap to notice that you were depressed etc. I was always thin, but now I'm not and I am really pretty ok with it. It took a wise person to wake me up and say it's ok! I long to lose a few pounds, but if I don't then oh well. Everybody has a cross to bear so to speak and I've heard if trials were shoes and they were thrown in a pile we would run to get ours because we know how to deal with them and not some problem foreign to us. Good luck on the dating thing. I wouldn't want to do it again either. There are a few good guys and gals down here with the same problems. Love you little sister! -Susanne

  5. sorry i dont get around to checking blogs as often i used to : (..... you are a great girl, well woman now ;). you are definitely one hot mamasita (i have no idea if i spelled that right, oh well). you should be extremely proud of how you look. i wish that i looked as good as you do!
